A new, functional athletic training tool for fitness professionals and enthusiasts! Your one stop shop for content to program your own circuit style station workouts. Whether you're a group fitness instructor looking for content ideas, or a fitness enthusiast needing inspiration on how to use the equipment at the gym, you'll find everything you need here!
Surge Stations Subscription
$9.99/month for limited time
What's Included:
Hundreds of Exercise Videos utilizing 21 different pieces of equipment
New exercise moves posted weekly
Class Plans to show you exactly how to format your class or workout, with new class plans posted each month
Workout of the Week you can do on your own or implement in your boot camp or stations circuit style class

Benefits of Functional Training
Mobility and Flexibility
Injury Prevention
Sports/Fitness Performance
Why Would I Want to Teach or Do a Stations Workout?
Customizable for all fitness levels
ZERO choreography to learn
Use as much or as little equipment has you want.
Participants move at their own pace and can challenge themselves or go easier if they want to.
Surge Stations Subscription makes planning a stations workout a breeze, you can do it in 5 minutes on the go.

Who is this for?
For the fitness enthusiast looking for exercise ideas on how to use their favorite pieces of equipment.
For the group fitness instructor wanting new and fresh ways to format their stations circuit class.
For the gym goer who wants to use the functional training area at the gym but doesn't know where to start.
For the instructor who LOVES to teach, but doesn't want to learn more choreography.
For the new instructor that wants tried and true moves and class formats to ensure their class successful!
For anyone wanting a kick butt, low impact workout.
For the experienced instructor who wants to teach more classes, but may need to take more of coaching role to preserve their energy and body.
Q: Is this a Certification?​
A: No, Surge Stations is a functional training tool that gives you content to program your own circuit style workouts.
Q: Is this only for Instructors?
A: No! This resource can be utilized by anyone.
Q: Do I need to have all the equipment?
A: No. You can use as much or as little equipment as you like.
Q: Do I have to call my class Surge Stations?
A: No. You can call your class whatever you like.
Q: Do I have to follow your class plans?
A: No. You can use our class plan templates or make up your own.
Q: How many participants are these type of classes/workouts designed for?
A: Depends on your equipment. These workouts can be done solo or with a group of up to 60 people.
Q: Do I need a certification to teach a Stations class?
A: We recommend a general accredited fitness certification to teach any fitness class.
Q: Can I do these workouts and exercises on my own without any training or experience.
A: Yes. You can definitely do these workouts and exercises on your own. Just follow the videos.