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What is Progressive Overload?

Progressive overload training is a strength-training approach that makes workouts more challenging over time by increasing weights, reps, or sets to place greater stress on your muscles. This weightlifting progression helps you gain strength, encourages muscle growth, and builds endurance.

You you can apply progressive overload to any strength training exercise, including push-ups, bicep curls, deadlifts, chest presses, and squats.

How Does Progressive Overload Training Work?

Progressive overload works to build muscle by gradually increasing the difficulty. When you first start strength training, any stress you put on your muscles will cause your muscle fibers to break down. When you rest, it allows the muscles to repair themselves and become stronger. This process of tearing down and repairing is essential to building muscle.

To continue to get stronger and build muscle, you will need to do a slightly more difficult training sessions over time, so that your muscles will grow and you will get stronger. If you do the same workout with the same intensity week after week, the workouts will feel easier and easier.

Surge Fit provides a new training stimulus every week (aka TOTW) and a workout structure that allows you to gradually make the workout harder by increasing your weights when you feel ready, to continue to build muscle and reach your goals. This is progressive overload!

Tips for Progressive Overload Training in Surge Fit

Keep good form. Choose a weight you can lift while maintaining proper lifting form and body control. Only when you can move that weight with proper form should you increase the weight.

Keep track. Keep track of your weight choices in each track. Logging your progress will help you determine what your weight selections should be next time to continue to progress.

Muscle growth takes time. It can take 4-6 weeks to notice strength and muscle gains. Give yourself time!

Rest. In order to see continual progress and build strength, incorporate rest, and proper nutrition. Your results will ultimately be based on your ability to adequately recover from your workouts.



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